Looking for a cash offer for your old car you don’t want anymore? Need some holiday money to get some great gifts this year for the little ones? Cash for Cars of Staten Island is here to give you CASH for that old set of wheels. That’s right, we pay top dollar cash on the spot for your van, truck, or car. We proudly provide FREE estimates for used vehicles to get a CASH payout on the spot. Customer service is the key to our success at Cash for Cars of Staten Island.
Say your beloved car from the 90’s you bought years ago no longer passes inspection, why not turn that pile of metal into CASH today?! We’ve streamlined the process to make it simple and hassle-free for you – the royal customer treatment. Cash for Cars of Staten Island works tirelessly to get you the very best CASH offer for your van, car or truck. Our extensive network of recycling facilities makes for a great model to help us keep costs low. We will make you a cash offer the same day for instant payout.
Where Can I Turn to Get Rid Of My Old Set Of Wheels – FAST?
There’s no better destination to get rid of your used vehicle for fast cash than Cash for Cars of Staten Island, simply for the customer service alone. We make it possible to dispose of your old used car in an environmentally friendly way, without the hassle and stress of contacting several parties, waiting on hold, and all the craziness you get with big companies. Our staff of customer service professionals take pride in our fast and efficient process for used vehicle purchases.
If you can’t get the old car, truck, or SUV to pass inspection, stop dumping money into it. Turn it into a pile of CASH you can use for the holidays this year! With FREE estimates, what’s there to lose? We’re located at 49 Elizabeth St, Garage# 5, in Staten Island, NY. If you’d rather check by phone before bringing your car in, call us at 917-238-1640.